
What To Watch This Halloween
If you're anything like us you probably watch horror films all year round, but that doesn't mean you can't watch even more in October! And those of you that aren't such big horror fans, we bet you'll still be sitting...
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Devilishly Decadent Drinks
Hey Coven! 🎃 As part of our pre-Halloween ritual we've been getting creative around the cauldron. We've been concocting some devilish potions to lift your spirits, and we'd like to share them with you now. But a word of caution we...
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Trick or treat? Definitely treat!
🎃 Sup Witchez! 🎃 Halloween is fast approaching and we can't wait! We've already started planning what to wear, what to drink and what to eat! Mmm... We've trawled the internet for awesome, spooky & gruesome recipes to make this year's...
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Going to university?
Sup Witches! ⭐ If you're starting university this September, you're probably going through a whole range of emotions currently. From excitement (the elation of moving away from home) through to anxiousness (the fear of moving away from home). For many of...
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Happy International Cat Day!
With over half a billion domesticated cats worldwide, our furry little friends are the world's most popular pet. So today, we celebrate our feline family! Throwing it back a few thousand years to ancient Egypt - us humans worshipped our...
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