
Beat the January blues!
Hey Coven! We hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and New Year. After all the fun of the holidays we are now firmly back to reality, and we understand that it can be a bit of a bummer!January is...
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Blessed Imbolc!
Hey Witches!Ā šŸ§¹ This weekendĀ is Imbolc (known to some as Candlemas). For those of you unaware, Imbolc marks the start of the changing of the seasons from dark to light. Although it still feels much like the dead of Winter, today...
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Keeping the pot bubbling
What's up my witches!Ā šŸ™ŒšŸ––šŸ–¤ You may or may not have noticed that our Instagram has gone a little quieter lately. That's because, in the spirit of the new year, we're trying things a little differently!Ā  via GIPHY The last year...
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Amazon USA!
Rogue + Wolf is finally on Amazon US!Ā ā­ That's right, with Amazon Prime all you witches over in the USA can now say adios to those pesky international shipping costs, and hello to superfast free shipping. Boom! The products that...
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Going to university?
Sup Witches!Ā ā­ If you're starting university this September, you're probably going through a whole range of emotions currently. From excitement (the elation of moving away from home) through to anxiousness (the fear of moving away from home). For many of...
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