Polyvore Looks

With Bonfire Night just passing we had to create a look to keep us looking cute in the cold fields. It might be chilly but that doesn't have to stop you from wearing dresses, just pair em with a sweet jumper and knee highs and you'll look like you made more of an effort than just throwing on a dress.. that's why we love winter! Accessories change your look from bland to badass in a matter of seconds! What's your fave season witches?
Everyone loves Working it Like Wednesday, that's why this look should be rocked any day of the week. Black has your back and you can't go wrong with rocking it head to toe, who agrees?! ;) There's just something about someone wearing an all black outfit that just looks super cool and mysterious, seriously! I like changing my looks up every so often but when you're in doubt just black it out. You can always change it up with your Rogue and Wolf jewels. Do you have a go to colour or outfit?
The final look for you this week is Toxic Temptress, a girl with a bit of sass and a love for oxblood. Turtle necks are totally in right now and most definitely the top of the moment. I am certainly on my way to buying one in every colour! You can't go wrong with a leather jacket but why not switch it up for this colour and be the talk of the town as your wearing your 'Slate Steel' delights.
We hope you liked this weeks edition of Polyvore looks, we're most definitely still having a lot of fun creating them and we just realised Christmas is coming up so I hope you're ready for a few festive outfits cause we sure can't contain our excitement hehe. Send in your outfit style requests below and we'll see what we can whip up for you next week! Take care, Sophie ♥

1 comment

  • Malinda

    Alrhigt alright alright that’s exactly what I needed!

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