Blessed Imbolc!

Blessed Imbolc!
Hey Witches! 🧹

This weekend is Imbolc (known to some as Candlemas). For those of you unaware, Imbolc marks the start of the changing of the seasons from dark to light. Although it still feels much like the dead of Winter, today we celebrate the promise of Spring! 🌱

You might have noticed that the days are getting longer. Sure, it's still dark when you finish work, and we're probably still due a few good snow showers (we hope so anyway!), but the Spring equinox is undoubtedly in sight (unless you're in the southern hemisphere, in which case this is probably just nonsense to you, #sorrynotsorry).

Imbolc is a time to celebrate fertility, rebirth and new beginnings. After the tiring, lethargic passing of Yule (and let's face it, Christmas really takes it out of you), Imbolc is a good time of year to look to the future - out with the old and in with the new. Having a good sort out of everything in your home is a good way to start anew. We accumulate so much without even realising, Spring cleaning every year is a great way to declutter both your home and your mind, and help you go into the year ahead with a fresh attitude. It's also a good time of year for decision making - we think this is when New Year's Resolutions should really start, January is just a trial month!

For easy and practical ways to celebrate Imbolc, consider decorating your home or garden with crocuses or snowdrops. Burn oils such as jasmine, lavender and rosemary, or bake a cake that's rich with seeds!

However you do decide to celebrate the turning of the wheel this weekend, feel free to share it with us on our Instagram. Tag us in your pictures: we want to see your alters, your Brigid Crosses and your baking!

Wishing you love and light 🕯️
🖤 The R+W Team ️🖤

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