
A month ago today we launched our Ambassador Programme, and boy has it been a blast! The response has been incredible: not only the sheer volume of applicants (seriously, we're struggling to keep up) but also the enthusiasm with which...
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Hey Coven 🖤 It's that time of year again... Whether you're celebrating the goddess and the fruits of the earth, or simply gorging on chocolate eggs, we can all agree on one thing - we love a long weekend! To celebrate...
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Hey Witches! 🧹 This weekend is Imbolc (known to some as Candlemas). For those of you unaware, Imbolc marks the start of the changing of the seasons from dark to light. Although it still feels much like the dead of Winter, today...
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What's up my witches! 🙌🖖🖤 You may or may not have noticed that our Instagram has gone a little quieter lately. That's because, in the spirit of the new year, we're trying things a little differently! via GIPHY The last year...
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Hey there Witchez! 🌙We know, we know... Halloween is behind us now... it's all terribly sad. So let us cheer you up slightly with some of our favourite looks from this year's festivities! 🎃You already know we absolutely love The Nightmare Before Christmas!...
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