
It's June now and that means one thing, Summer is almost here! And as dark and cold-hearted as we are here in the Coven, we can't deny we love a bit (or a lot) of sunshine. So what makes Summer...
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Hey Coven! 😘 By now you're probably aware of our awesome witchy Insulated Tumblers, and if you're not then where the heck have you been?! They're super stylish and super practical. They look amazing in your home and are a wonderful...
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Hey Coven! ⭐We're super excited to tell you that our New SS19 Jewellery Collection, Falling Stars, has fallen to Earth!Check it out! 👇 All things in the universe are one and the same. We are all made of stardust, and the same...
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Hey Coven 🖤 It's that time of year again... Whether you're celebrating the goddess and the fruits of the earth, or simply gorging on chocolate eggs, we can all agree on one thing - we love a long weekend! To celebrate...
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A love that crosses time and space, a yearning for exploration and new beginnings. A desperate journey, blindsided by forces beyond our control; a love lost and a heart broken. Join us as we follow our heroes, from humble beginnings...
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