
If you're starting university this year and moving away from home for the first time, you're probably thinking about what you're gonna take with you. You only want a car-full really, as your room likely won't be massive, and if...
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Sup Witches! ⭐ If you're starting university this September, you're probably going through a whole range of emotions currently. From excitement (the elation of moving away from home) through to anxiousness (the fear of moving away from home). For many of...
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Hey witches! ⭐ Every Summer people all over the world from all sorts of communities come together to celebrate Pride. We do it to both acknowledge the shit that members of the LGBTQ community have been through over the years (not...
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August 13th marks International Left-Handers Day! ⭐ Today is a day for all you lefties to tell everyone how proud you are to be left-handed! In a world made for right-handed folks, it takes some serious patience sometimes to be a...
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With over half a billion domesticated cats worldwide, our furry little friends are the world's most popular pet. So today, we celebrate our feline family! Throwing it back a few thousand years to ancient Egypt - us humans worshipped our...
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